Simcoe Self Serve

Our self-serve water location offers reverse osmosis and alkaline water refills (along with bottles and caps) at whatever time fits your schedule.

Coming home late from work or up early to run some errands means that you’ll have access to our U-Fill premium alkaline and reverse osmosis water in Simcoe, Ontario at whatever time suits you.

Enjoy clean, pure water in your home, and avoid Simcoe’s hard water when you’re working out, using water for baking or cooking, or simply making crystal clear ice cubes to enjoy a drink with friends on the patio.

How To Fill Water Jugs At U-Fill Water Centre Simcoe

Water Jug Caps

Remove the old water jug cap with the tool provided. Dispose in the trash below and pick up a new water jug cap.

Rinse Cycle

Place the jug in the unit upside down, scan a credit/debit card to process payment, and select the rinse button.

Select Size

Flip the bottle when the rinse cycle is complete and press the “Select” button to select the size of the water jug you are filling.

Fill It Up

Select the “Start” button to begin filling the water jug.

Cap It

When the jug is filled, remove it from the water unit and use the rubber mallet to secure the cap on the water jug properly.